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Let the Panda Die Out, Naturalist Says

Gentle, slow-moving and cuddly, the giant panda attracts millions of visitors to zoos across the globe. In its native Chinese habitat, however, the species has a population estimated at just 1,590.

Addressing the fate of the giant panda, BBC television host and noted zoologist Chris Packham made controversial remarks in an interview with the U.K.’s Radio Times, The Times Online reported.
“‘Here is a species that, of its own accord, has gone down an evolutionary cul-du-sac. It’s not a strong species,’ he said. ‘Unfortunately, it’s big and cute and a symbol of the World Wide Fund for Nature and we pour millions of pounds into our panda conservation. I reckon we should pull the plug. Let them go, with a degree of dignity.'”
Packham’s comments were welcomed with a quick rebuke from World Wide Fund for Nature’s chief scientific adviser Dr. Mark Wright, the Times Online said.
“Chris has taken an irresponsible position,” Wright said. “Pandas face extinction because of poaching and human pressures on their habitat. They have adapted to the area in which they live and if left alone, they function perfectly well.”
Hours after making his comments on the giant panda, Packham was interviewed by the British newspaper the Mirror, and offered the following apology.
“I really upturned the apple cart with what I said and I’m sorry I upset people. But I am glad it has raised a debate and that was always my intention. I don’t hate pandas, I love cuddly animals. I love all animals.”


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