
Posts Tagged ‘divfix++’

Fix corrupted avi with DivFix++

August 25, 2009 Leave a comment

Its currently available for Windows , mac and linux.

Sometimes avi files cannot be played because of a corrupted index file , bad frames output. Such problems like Freezing while playing , distorted images etc.. are Possible aftermaths of a corrupted AVI (audio Video Interleave) format.

So what we usually do is Delete the File and re download the file. However redownloading the avi dosnt fix the problem since the file is uploaded already corrupted. I download Naruto Shippuden for my Younger brother and this happend to me twice. I did as I mentioned above. But I didnt delete any corrupted files. Instead I moved to my “corrupted” folder. In my 500GB HDD filled with movies and animes. The error message says something about indexing balah. SO I searched the net and found this great software which is portable and FrEE. DIVFIX++

A few settings are necessary before videos can be fixed. The first is to set a path for the fixed video files. A few additional settings are optional. Bad parts are cut out by default which could result in skips during playback. Probably still the better solution than a video that is stopping and not continuing afterwards. Errors can be written to a log file for further analysis but they will also be displayed in the log window.

A click on Fix will try to fix the video files in the list. Other possibilities are to strip or rebuild the index of selected video files.

[More info] [Download]

source DivFix++
