
Posts Tagged ‘google maps’

Google Maps gets a facelift, now easier to read

October 26, 2009 Leave a comment

If nobody told you, you might not even notice it, but the team at Google Maps just introduced some subtle visual improvements that make their maps easier to read. Worldwide changes include narrower roads, better contrast between text and the rest of the map, and colors that don’t conflict with traffic and other overlays. You’ll also start to see road detail at a slightly more distant zoom level. In short, the map view just became more like the hybrid map-satellite view. Read more…

Google Street View released for Canada and the Czech Republic

October 12, 2009 Leave a comment

Google Street View Canada

Huzzah! Google Street View has finally been released in Canada (and the Czech Republic). This Canadian blogger is pretty excited, since it has been a long time coming. There’s something surreal about finding your own house in Google Maps, then actually looking at your front door.

For people who have never used Google Street View, the functionality isn’t immediately obvious. To enable it, you have to drag the icon of a man that is above the zoom slider to a place on a street. The experience is pretty surreal the first time you do it.

Though this might just seem like a whiz-bang feature that looks cool but doesn’t have a real-world application, imagine you’re trying to get to an important appointment in an office building you’ve never been to before. Imagine how much easier it would be to find your way if you already know what the building looks like.

[via Google Blogoscoped]
