
Posts Tagged ‘internet’

How to check the speed of your Internet Connection

August 31, 2009 Leave a comment
I think it’s very significant to know the speed of the internet connection we are using. Since the service provider ranges the prizes by speed. We need to know how much speed they are giving us. How can we check our connection speed? There is a very simple way. By visiting http://www.beelinebandwidthtest .com it’s a very effortless task. The site downloads 256K file and checks the speed of the connection.


  • A faster computer processes a download more quickly than a slower machine.
  • Heavy traffic on the internet or on your LAN may slowdown your throughput speed.
  • Results may be affected if you are performing intensive CPU work at the time of your speed test.
  • There’s a limit of 20 free tests a day.
