
Posts Tagged ‘iphone’

Waveboard: Google Wave client now available for iPhone

November 5, 2009 Leave a comment

You may have already figured out that you can use Google Wave in Safari on the iPhone, but now there’s a better alternative. Waveboard, one of the early attempts at a desktop Wave client, now has an iPhone app. The Waveboard app will run you 99 cents, but it’s a much faster way to check your Waves than loading them up in the built-in browser.

Waveboard basically gives you the same thing you get on the mobile web version of Wave, but also adds some additional features. You can shake your device to logout and reload your Waves, and push notifications are apparently coming soon. It sounds like right now is the time to jump on Waveboard, in case future features come with a higher price.

If you have 40 seconds to kill, and you want to see Waveboard in action, check out the demo video after the jump.

[via TechCrunch]


Learn to take better photos with Nikon’s iPhone app

November 1, 2009 Leave a comment
Nikon App for the iPhone. Via CNET.Nikon, never satisfied with merely standing still, have brought out a lovely new iPhone app that acts as an always-there photography guide. If you’re an amateur, semi-pro, or even a professional wondering how certain effects or styles are pulled off — this app would make a great addition to your iPhone’s arsenal.

This new app, Learn And Explore, allows you to hunt for professional examples to show you what’s possible in a given situation. There are guides that will show you how to take photos in tricky conditions — indors, outdoors, low-light, long-exposure — it’s al lhere.

They’re promising continuos updates and access to their Nikon World magazine through the app.

No reason this would only be of use to a Nikon user either — though if there’s any kind of Nikon branding on the software, I’m not sure a Canon user would be seen dead with it…

[via CNET]
