
Posts Tagged ‘typefaces’

Time-Waster: So you think you know Helvetica?

October 4, 2009 Leave a comment
Earlier in the month we covered Cheese or Font – a fantastic perpetually-running time-waster that challenges you to choose whether the name displayed refers to a cheese or a font. However, the web is buzzing (at least, in some circles) about a far more nerdy variant: Helvetica vs Arial in Ironic Sans’ “So you think you can tell Arial from Helvetica?” quiz.

You’re shown 20 logos, each rendered in both Arial and Helvetica. All you have to do is correctly select the logo that was originally rendered in Helvetica. Of course, you shouldn’t be referencing any materials during the test – though you’ll have to fight temptation as there’s some incredibly tricky logos in there, particularly later on when the test throws in a couple of full-capital logos that hide some of Helvetica’s easily-identifiable characteristics.

If you’re feeling brave, take the quiz and be sure to let us know your score in the comments!.

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