
Posts Tagged ‘web’

Web servers under attack!

August 27, 2009 Leave a comment

Maldivian sites are facing DDoS attacks! The first website under attack was dhiraagu, then wataniya, then ROL. After that the whole dhiraagu server went down. Almost all and hosted in dhiraagu were down. Some are up now.

Some Common sites which were down: Bank of Maldives, Haveeru Online, Television Maldives, Elections, Wataniya, Dhiraagu, RajjeOnline, MESA, Voice of Maldives,Police,MNDF etc.

Some of the sites are back on service now, “we will continue the attacks tonight, we have send them mails saying them to tell us, they don’t want to their sites to get hacked but so far they haven’t replied, if they did we will stop this attacks,” a hacker said who wanna to be anonymous furthermore i asked them “why are they doing so?” in the reply they said “to send a warning to the government”.


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